About Us


ACCESS is a community of online Christian educators. We represent a diverse array of learning institutions and organizations, accessible education, and a commitment to making online theological education distinctly Christian. Our commitment to online and distance education is to be more intentional about expanding our reach. One of our responsibilities as Christians is to be co-missioners with Christ in the mission of the church and as such, we walk alongside educators, scholars, practitioners, administrators, and learners in the work of the Kingdom. We are intentional about the formation of a community of participants making education more accessible to more people in more places. ACCESS is a unique organization that provides leadership in Christian distance education by collectively engaging our community.


The mission of ACCESS is to provide leadership in the field of Christian distance education. ACCESS provides leadership through resources, online community development, and promotion of various forms of distance education. Some of the resources include research and scholarship in distance education (DE) and Christian distance education (CDE), consultation in the field, and establishing a repository of best practices of CDE. Ways in which we build community include a network of CDE professionals, a forum for collaboration, and establishing professional development opportunities through our annual conference. Finally, support of Christian distance education is achieved through promotion of accessible CDE, addressing a uniquely Christian component of distance education, and partnering with other organizations for the advancement of CDE.


ACCESS is the name for The Association of Christian Distance Education. In its earlier days, the name matched the acronym but over time, it was determined that the message of accessibility more accurately reflected our mission. It was decided to keep the acronym ACCESS but simply change the association’s name. ACCESS is the leading network of Christian institutions, organizations and individuals characterized by a commitment to make education more accessible through online, mobile, and digital means. ACCESS is made up of institutions of higher education, organizations that provide church-based and para-church training, and individuals involved in various forms of Christian distance education. Institutional members include seminaries and colleges with online education, programs that focus on adult learners, and other agencies that provide curriculum or support for leadership development and lay training. ACCESS recognizes that the need to provide education extends beyond any single delivery system. Some members utilize the latest technology for online seminars, while others rely on more traditional forms of delivery methods. Individual members are leaders in the field of innovation and effectiveness in education.

ACCESS is poised to provide continued direction for this field. Our mission statement serves as a rationale for why we do what we do as a professional association. Our purpose is to provide leadership through resources, community, and promotion in Christian distance education.

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Associate Dean & Professor

Rawlings School of Divinity

Liberty University



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PRESIDENT (2015 – 2017)

Assistant Professor and Director of Distance Education

Graduate School of Theology

Abilene Christian University



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Director of Operations and Production

Moody Distance Learning

